Your treatment will consist of an initial consultation, investigation (if necessary) then your surgical procedures if required.
Finally – and just as important – there will be a period of aftercare.
1. The initial consultation
Your Doctor or Dentist will get in touch with us. Once that has happened, an appointment will be made for a consultation with Luis at one of the clinics at a time that’s convenient for you.
During your consultation Luis will take the time to listen to your problems and arrange any necessary investigations, for example, x-rays or scans and sometime blood tests. These can normally be carried out at the same time as your consultation, with the results given and explained during the initial consultation.
You’re bound to have questions, and it’s important that you feel comfortable asking any you may have. Luis will be very happy to discuss the relative merits of different treatment options.
2. Formulation of treatment plan
After assessing your symptoms, completing a clinical examination, assessing your main complain and results of your x-rays/scans, Luis will be able to give you the best advice and formulate a treatment plan for your individual circumstances.
3. Surgery
If surgery is agreed, then this can be carried out under local anaesthesia with or without sedation and sometimes general anaesthetic.
Your surgery will be arranged in one of the above mentioned centres.
Patients requiring a general anaesthesia for their surgery will be done at Stourside Hospital.
Patients are monitored closely throughout surgery and post-operatively, and virtually all are able to go home the same day after a short period of observation.
4. Patient Aftercare
After surgery, patients will be monitored until they are fit to go home. All patient receive post surgical care instructions and medications when required.
Typically patients are seen around 1 to 2 week post-operatively in clinic and will be given instruction on how to seek any help or advice out of hours.
Review appointments will be made to check that everything is settling back to normal.
In addition to this you are encouraged to contact the team if you have any concerns.